Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How to Write a Successful Corporate Blog


There's something about the word 'corporate' that makes me want to yawn. Just the sound of it triggers all sorts of connotations - staid, boring, dull etc.
But that's no reason for your corporate blog to be boring. On the contrary, it should be exciting and upbeat.
Let's go back to the beginning, you know you need to blog if your website is to perform well in the search engines. You know it will drive traffic to your website and project you to the lofty status of expert in your particular field. But many companies just don't get how to write a decent and engaging blog post.
Most of them are as dull as dish water, full of technical jargon no one understands (or cares about) and mind numbingly dull. Their content doesn't relate to everyday life so their readers can't engage with it.
Basically, most of them are a waste of space.
This article is going to look at 11 simple pointers to help you create an entertaining blog that's both informative and engaging.
1. Be you
Let's get shot of the first misconception - a corporate blog doesn't have to be dull.
Writing in the second person will help you engage with the reader and by relating your content to everyday situations, you will create something that's relevant to your audience and easy to understand.
2. Techie free zone
However tempting it may be, make sure absolutely no technical jargon makes its way into your post. If you absolutely have to because it's highly relevant to what you're writing about, make sure you write a simple to understand layman's explanation so people know what you're on about.
Simple, plain English wins every time.
3. How long?
About 400-600 words should do it.
If your post is looking as though it's going to go on for a bit split it up into 2 or 3 smaller posts.
4. Readability
Headings, sub headings and bulleted or numbered lists will make your post easier to read. Not only that, but from an aesthetics point of view, it will look more inviting to the reader and encourage them to read.
5. Interest
If what you write isn't interesting or relevant to your audience it won't get read.
6. Headline
A strong, eye-catching headline is essential if you want your post to stand out. Then make sure your first paragraph really packs a punch to keep them hooked.
An important note here is that your headline must be relevant to your post - it's no good writing a great headline with an irresistible hook if it has nothing to do with what you've actually written.
7. SEO
If you're writing your writing a blog, it has to comply with your SEO (search engine optimisation) strategy.
Place your keywords in your titles and then write naturally - the keywords will then appear within your text without you having to shoehorn them in.
8. Show and tell
Your natural urge will be to write about how amazing your business is. But if you want to be really effective, show the reader by offering a case study or something along those lines.
9. Variety is the spice of life
It is indeed; show your readers you're not a one trick pony and offer a range of blog posts from top tips and how to's, to case studies and comments on industry news.
10. Pictures
A good image will always enhance a blog post. Plus, the ALT tag gives you another SEO opportunity.
11. Call to action
Yes, this is something you would never leave out of your website, so why leave it out of your blog posts. It could be something as simple as asking them to write a comment.
There you go - running a corporate blog doesn't (and should) have to be dull. Mix it up a bit and inject some personality to make a connection with your readers.
Sally Ormond, Briar Copywriting, is a professional copywriter, SEO website copywriter and advertising copywriting with extensive experience in both B2B and B2C markets.
To have a chat about how she can help you send an email to sally@briarcopywriting.com or call +44(0)1449 779605.

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