Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Important Role Personal Branding Plays In Empower Network Success

By Howe Russell

One of the things which stands out about Empower Network is the number of affiliates who are not effectively branding themselves and, as a result, not getting any success with their business. In our post today we shall explain the importance and simplicity of building your brand.

This is one of the many things in home business which comes down to your mentality rather than your actual skills.

You need to be able to approach your business with the same way of thinking you would if it were a start up opportunity in the real world. For example, if you opened your own store in your local area you would immediately realize the power of personal branding.

It makes perfect business sense but for some reason that mentality often doesn't translate across to those trying to do the same thing on the internet. Regardless of whether you are trying to make money online or offline, you need to be able to stand out from the pack you put yourself into. Most people don't realize that owning their own business comes down to mentality more than skill.

One of the biggest traps in home based businesses is that a shocking percentage of people who attempt to work from home for themselves fail to realize the serious attitude you need to succeed. It's not that they fail because they cannot do it or don't have the skills, it's simply their mindset was completely wrong heading into it.

You might have previously heard the expression that people join people, not businesses. If you have then you already know the number one rule in creating an income for yourself. Branding your name and becoming recognized as a trusted leader in your particular niche is something that is priceless.

All successful businesses learn this lesson. If we ask you to write down a cola drink you'd probably choose Coca-Cola, right? That's not because it's necessarily the best tasting cola, that's something which will come down to a person's individual taste. It's because they have branded their name. When you think of cola, you think of their company immediately before any other.

Look around and you'll see this popping up in almost every different category of business. If you're asked to think of a soccer star most folks will immediately say David Beckham. Again, despite his obvious talent it could be said that there are superior players in the current footballing world yet, thanks to his fantastic personal branding power, he's the first name on over 75% of people's lips when the topic is brought up to name the world's most famous player.

When it comes to home business there is a tendency for affiliates to spend way too much time talking about how great their business opportunity is but nowhere near enough time talking about themselves and engaging with their audience.

You see this mistake happening all of the time. I have had many conversations with people after they have joined an online business and they revealed that they initially were introduced to the concept by somebody else's capture page or information page. Why didn't they sign up there and then underneath that person? Because while they showed the various benefits of that business and convinced the viewer it was right for them, they didn't take any time to engage with the viewer on a personal level at all. Basically it was just a sales pitch.

You need to be very clear about what you want your potential customers to do, otherwise they will not do it. One of the most important lessons to learn in business, whether it's online or real world, is that you do not necessarily need to be the best at something in order to succeed at it. You simply need to have a good reputation and a solid work ethic to continue getting yourself established.

If you take a quick look at somebody who is reaching success with a program like Empower Network and then look at somebody who is not getting the results they want you will notice immediately that there is a vast difference in their marketing styles. No matter what business you are involved with or whether you are creating your own from the ground up, you simply cannot make money online without treating it with the same mentality you would if it were in the offline world.

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