Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Thorough Managed Services Proposal Offers Many Excellent Advantages

By Dave Cummings

From a managed services proposal provider's point of view, their main reason for being in the business is to offer a virtual IT management software support system. They will be able to give your company access to their affordable expertise. The technical support will provide the best possible service and advice as they are at the cutting edge of any new developments.

In order for this to be effective, they will come in and analyze what is currently in place and assess whether it is meeting the needs of the business. They sometimes do a 68 point network audit to establish a baseline regarding faults and problems. They will then use this audit to prepare a proposal to present to the company.

A proposal on how to get the site standardized and up to speed will be presented. Once the complete diagnosis is done they will explain how to fix the site. The management of the company will have to take the proposal to either the board members or the financial department. They in turn will have to decide whether to call in another IT company for a second opinion.

By doing this you can objectively compare the two proposals. You will then be able to choose the one that best suits your company's needs and budget. Before you sign the agreement your Financial Manager should examine both proposals, give his input and stamp of approval.

Bringing in a new IT structure could be a costly assignment and being absolutely sure that the new IT system will not only improve service and production, but be available twenty four seven. When systems go down clients and customers can't be told that their orders could not be ready on time because the computer system had a glitch. The claim that is made by managed service providers is that they will be there every hour of every day to help with this and that is great news.

Management would do themselves and everyone else a favor if they spent less money on trivia and more on getting professionals in to set up systems that really work. Bring in people that will come up with suggestions and ideas for improving the current system. They will analyze the current processes in place and present a plan that will fit right in with the business needs. The profits will go up and production will improve.

Many businesses foolishly adopt a break-fix attitude. When it breaks, the experts will try and fix it. Until then, leave things as they are, unless something else goes wrong. This attitude ends up costing more money in the long term and causes a lot of negative effect. Getting the right IT solutions in place from the start will motivate everyone, they will know that management have their priorities right.

If a company wants to cut costs, be more productive, while maintaining access to affordable expertise then the enlisting of a unit that will recommend a managed services proposal to suit their needs would be a worthwhile investment. Shareholders, management, board members and staff will be delighted when they see what a difference the new system has made to the bottom line and to their pockets.

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