Friday, December 20, 2013

When Needing EMDR Training Denver Can Meet Your Desire

By Cornelia White

EMDR is a slightly controversial yet effective treatment for suffers of PTSD. EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, and it is not just for combat veterans. This is used to treat people who have been victims of traumatic, life changing events, including sexual assault. It is a way of healing the mental hurt that result, much like one would use a Band-Aid to aid in healing a cut. When desiring to get EMDR training Denver is able to meet this need.

This process uses rapid eye movements during treatment. It is given by a therapist that is trained in its use. The sessions are spread out over a period of weeks or months and they allow the victim to process memories that are painful. They do not vanish but are rendered easier to handle. The sessions can also be repeated if the patient experiences regression.

The process begins by the patient or recipient journaling particular traumatic memories. They relate the memory and then rate in on a numerical scale as to the amount of emotional upset that is experienced when they think about this memory. They also think of particular negative thoughts they may have about themselves due to this experience.

In treatment, the therapist asks the patient to return to the memory in their mind. Once fully engaged, the administrator holds up two fingers, moving them in a pattern. The client follows the pattern with their eyes. They may react in different ways depending upon the emotional impact that reliving the experience has. A trained administrator can steer them through their responses.

After a few sessions of treatment, the emotional pain caused by the memory begins to deplete. The therapist then guides the client through the replacement of negative thoughts with positive ones. The patient is led by the administrator in choosing what positive affirmations they would like to focus on. With EMDR a sufferer can move forward with their lives and be freed from the fetters these memories create.

The therapist must be thoroughly trained before administering EMDR. Often a client may experience some emotional volatile reactions that the administrator must know how to manage. A well-trained therapist will know when the client is showing improvement and also if the sessions may need to be stopped for a time. At any moment the patient or the facilitator can decide to stop a session if it is getting too painful. This prevents further trauma from happening.

Training for this is given via lectures, live practice and video. There are also supervised practice sessions for the therapist. A particular mental health professional may choose to focus on certain types of clients, such as rape victims. This training can be invaluable to a therapy practice.

When desiring to receive EMDR training Denver can meet this need. With a short Internet search it is easy to locate trainings in the area. There is a charge involved, but this is definitely worth the money as it covers all of the workshops and manuals needed. These are open to mental health professionals that are looking for ways to ease their client's suffering.

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